The Setlist

The Setlist Headlines

Introducing TXBA Power Lines Medium and Light String Sets

Several years ago I ordered 250 sets of custom heavy gauge nickel wound guitar strings to sell at TXBA. My primary motivation was simply to have the exact string gauges that felt right to me.

I Need Locals To Test Pro Player v7.7

There are some new features coming to the Pro Player and I need some adventurous Locals to start testing these features ASAP.

Pro Player 7.6 Features: Vidami Support, Adjustable Pitch Shifting

Pro Player 7.6 (currently in beta testing) will bring some new features and improvements that make studying easier and faster, including Vidmai Pedal integration and adjustable pitch shifting for Courses.

Introducing “Mixing Blues Rhythm & Lead, Volume 1”

I'm almost done with this massive course and this video will explain everything about it, and how to get it.

Mixing Blues Rhythm & Lead: Lesson 1 Preview

For most of 2021 I've been working on a series of courses called "Mixing Blues Rhythm & Lead". The first in-depth lesson from this course is going to be rolling out soon, and in this video I'll take you on…

TXBA Tech: Why I Built This Interactive Fretboard Tool

In 2008 I made my first course and the fretboard graphics were tedious and time consuming. I've been dreaming of an easier way to create custom fretboard diagrams ever since, and now I have one.

Living With Mental Illness (My Story)

May is mental health awareness month, and this is my story of dealing with mental illness throughout my adult life, and how it almost wrecked my marriage and stole precious memories from the first few years of being a parent.…

My Interview with Mark Hopkins

Mark Hopkins is a guitarist who (like a lot of players) is trying to fill the time once occupied by gigging. So he started interviewing guitarists he knew, then their friends, and before long he's got a whole collection of…

What’s New In TXBA Pro Player 7.5

Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA for the past few months, but I'm on a mission to make our TXBA Locals program as efficient as possible. So I've developed some new features for our online player to help our members…

Lessons With Tommy Katona

A few weeks ago I discovered that some of my TXBA Locals members were augmenting their studies by taking video lessons with Tommy Katona. That gave me an idea, so I set Tommy up with a Locals account, so now…

SRV Videos In 4K?

A few months ago I started experimenting with some new software that could upscale old videos with shockingly good results.

Talking blues, guitar & life with Shane from intheblues

Last evening I went live on YouTube with Shane Diiorio from the intheblues YT channel. We had a great discussion of blues, guitar, and some life lessons as well.

How I Livestream Guitar, Voice & Backing Tracks in Studio Quality on Mac

If you're a guitar player who's doing live streaming because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, it is possible to have great audio while streaming. This setup is what I use on my Mac and it gives me individual control over my…

The TXBA NAMM 2020 Report

I just got back from the best NAMM trip I've ever had. Here's a quick overview of the gear I checked out, and the people I talked to.

Learn 150+ Blues Licks All Over Again, This Time With Feeling.

Eleven years ago I published a course called 5 Boxes Essential Licks which I advertised with a simple, but very direct slogan: "Learn 150+ Blues Licks".

You Should Be In Our Thanksgiving Video

It's that time of year again, and Thanksgiving is almost here. I'm waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy behind schedule this year, which means we only have one week to do this. Just like last year, I'm going collect videos of TXBA viewers playing along…

What’s On Deck (and what’s already finished) AT TXBA In November 2019

As we head into the last two months of the year, I wanted to share some details about what to expect heading into the holidays. But first, a quick recap of what's happened so far in 2019.

The Amazing TXBA Pro Player 7.3

Earlier this year I published a big update to our online player. Version 7 brought a bunch of new features, but I didn't stop there.

The What, Why & How Of Your Guitar Journey

Why do some guitarists stop playing for years, or even decades? I think it has a lot to do with the "How" of their guitar journey. What does that mean? I'm glad you asked.....

YouTube Import in TXBA Pro Player V7

Ever wish you could actually study one of those great live concert videos on YouTube? Well.. now our TXBA Locals members can do just that.