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Six months ago I started working on a major update to the TXBA Pro Player (that's the online player our TXBA Locals use to watch our courses). Version 7 of the Pro Player is now officially live, so I wanted…
It was on this day 5 years ago that Texas Blues Alley officially opened. But wait... didn't TXBA turn 10 years old in 2017? Well, not really.
Whenever I put together an "Influences" course based on a particular song, I seek out as many live recordings of that song as I can find. This used to be a lot harder, but thanks to YouTube's fairly progressive copyright…
Over the past 10 years, I've continually improved the production quality of my videos, as well as the educational quality of the lesson format. I've added three new features in my most recent course Clapton's Influence: Crossroad Blues that make…
No matter how you've tried to learn the Crossroads solo before, you won't find a more "study friendly" format than Clapton's Influence: Crossroad Blues.
I had a small block of time yesterday late afternoon, so I hopped onto Facebook live to answer a few questions, and drop some hints about upcoming courses.
Update Thanks for taking part, the video has been posted. This year for Thanksgiving, we're going to try something new. Instead of me doing some kind of course or performance, it's your turn. I'll provide the track, you record a…
When I was in college trying to learn as much SRV material as possible, bootleg recordings were hard to come by. You had to know a guy who knew a guy, or pay top dollar at an independent music store…
Here's a behind the scenes look at the new stage I built in the TXBA Barn.
Several weeks ago I published a major update to how Free Lesson Friday videos were organized. Here's an overview of how the new features work.
Last year I needed some strings, but nobody made them in the exact gauges I liked. So I went out and had some custom TXBA branded string sets made.
Over the past few months I've been focusing on a style of blues called Texas Shuffle, with Pride And Joy as the focus. During that time I produced a series of courses and free lessons all based on that **Texas…
I've read this story from several sources over the years, but this has to be my favorite. As part of The Bullock Texas State History Museum's Texas Story Project, Jimmie Vaughan told the story of how a young Stevie Ray…
Last Friday I was invited to join Shane Diiorio (who runs the InTheBlues channel on YouTube) to join a livestream with several other YT'ers who are popular in the guitars & gear space.
Today the TXBA Locals program gets a little bit more "community" focused. Up until this point, members studied by themselves, alone with whatever course they were working on.
Over the past 6-8 weeks I've been producing courses related to a central theme: Boogie Blues. This wasn't by accident, it's part of a plan that I've come up with for this year. I'll be covering several "themes" this year,…
On Friday July 31st, 2009, I walked away from a 10-year career as a software engineer to run StevieSnacks (the predecessor to TXBA) as my full-time job. Walking out of the building that last day was one of the strangest…
Every holiday season, confused dads, moms, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, girlfriends and boyfriends come to TXBA shopping for the guitar player in their life, with only a vague idea of what to shop for.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the TXBA 10 Year Anniversary Trivia contest. The answers came in faster than I expected, and almost all the prizes were claimed. Here's a video summarizing who the winners were, and also the answers…
Everything you need to know about the 10th anniversary of this strange internet guitar journey is in this video, including details about how to play TXBA 10 Year Trivia.