The Setlist

The Setlist Headlines

Announcing The Little Wing Community Jam, Now Accepting Submissions

Today, I'm officially announcing the 2025 Little Wing Community Jam. What is a community jam? I'm glad you asked.

The Secret To Maintaining A Consistent Guitar Practice Routine

Tom Petty said that waiting is the hardest part, but when it comes to establishing a guitar practice routine, waiting is definitely the easiest part. It's the STARTING that's difficult. Most of us wait and wait and wait just to…

Here Is The ONLY Guitar Goal You Should Set For 2025

Has anyone ever told you to set goals for your guitar playing? How did that work out? (Just for the record: I'm not against goal-setting, I just think you need to set the right kind of goals.) This year, I…

Reflections on 2024

I don't know if any of you have ever run a marathon (I certainly haven't), but as 2024 comes to a close, it feels like I've completed a year-long marathon, topped off with a 60-day sprint. It has been a…

Weekly Challenges, Vol. 1 Is Now Available

For the past year I've been producing weekly lessons for our TXBA Locals members, and now those lessons are available in three new courses.

Introducing Little Wing Deep Dive, My Deepest Course Yet

Six months ago I realized I didn't really understand Little Wing, so I set out to change it. Now, Little Wing Deep Dive is here, documenting what I learned during my six-month obsession with the song.

Why I’m Teaching 66 Hendrix Chord Embellishments In My Next Course

It all started one night as I tried to play more than two choruses of rhythm for the song "Little Wing". Realizing how limited my understanding of that song was led me on a quest to learn as much about…

Celebrating 10 Years of Texas Blues Alley

StevieSnacks began as a hobby in 2007. That turned into my full-time career in 2009. But by 2013, I sensed that a change was needed. A decade ago, on April 25th, 2014, Texas Blues Alley was born.

Finding Lessons On TBXA Just Got A Lot Easier

With over 80 courses and over 300 free lessons to choose from, finding something on TXBA you want to study can be overwhelming. Today, it just got a lot easier.

Announcing Albert’s Influence: Slow Blues (2nd Edition)

After 12 years, the Influences course that started it all is getting a significant update. Released in 2011 (during the StevieSnacks era), Albert's Influence: Slow Blues was my first artist Influence course. But in the 12 years since, I've improved…

A Complete List Of Thanksgiving Ballad Resources At Texas Blues Alley

If you're in the mood to relive the Thanksgiving Ballad tradition, here's a list of every lesson and course I've done on the subject.

Announcing New Weekly Challenges For TXBA Locals Members

I'm soon going to be introducing a new type of content for Locals members. Each week I'll publish a new short-form lesson or challenge, often taken from one of my larger courses.

Blues Links Roundup For 09.01.23

New albums, new artists, and Jason Becker took blues lessons?

Blues Links Roundup for 08.21.23

Here's a collection of blues-related links from around the web. A little bit of history, and some new music from great artists.

The Return Of The Solo Matrix - Tell Me

A decade ago I completed a collection of courses called the SRV Style Solo Matrix. It was (and still is) the largest collection of SRV focused soloing courses in the world. Now, 10 years later, it's time to make it…

I’m Giving Away Free SRV Backing Tracks

I'm making backing tracks for my favorite songs, and I'm going to give them away to people who are on the TXBA Email List (and who actually open and read the emails).

Free Course Progress Tracking Documents Now Available

If you've ever purchased a course from me, or if you're a member of the TXBA Locals, you can now download free progress tracking documents for any of my soloing and rhythm courses.

Stop Telling Other Teachers About My Secret Camera Angle

I've been using the "Player's Perspective" angle for pretty much the entire 15 years that I've been doing lessons online. In this video I'll explain how I came up with it and how to get the correct tilt and rotation.…

My 2022 Mental Health Journey (And Breakthroughs)

This is one of the most personal videos I've ever made. After sharing my story about living with depression and anxiety several years ago, I've received countless comments and emails thanking me for sharing my story.

The Story Behind My First Johnny Winter Course

This video is for life long Johnny Winter fans, the people who think he gets overlooked by me, and other guitar instructors. I agree with you, and I'm trying to make it right. This is the story about how I…