The Setlist

Finding Lessons On TBXA Just Got A Lot Easier

Mar 26th, 2024

With over 80 courses and over 300 free lessons on TXBA, finding something you want to study can be overwhelming. Today, however, it just got a lot easier with Audio Previews and the new TXBA Jukebox.

Video Overview

Audio Previews

When you visit any page in our Free Lesson Friday section, you'll notice that most of the lesson thumbnails now have audio previews attached to them. I've added these audio previews to any lesson where I teach something specific to play.

When you click on an audio preview, you'll hear a demonstration of what you can learn in that lesson. If you click on another audio preview, it'll stop the one currently playing and plan the one you clicked on. To stop a preview from playing, just click on it again.

You'll be able to to preview dozens of lessons in a fraction of the time it would take you to open each one and watch long enough to see what's being taught.

Visit Free Lesson Friday...

These previews are also attached to course thumbnails in the Courses section of The Woodshed. Like with the Free Lessons, the audio previews on courses will let you quickly hear a demonstration of the solo or rhythm taught in each course.

Visit the Courses section...

For courses with multiple solos or rhythms, the previews button will expand to show audio previews for each solo or rhythm taught in the course.

You can see these on our SRV Style Solo Matrix Collection Page...

TXBA Jukebox

The audio previews are great, but you still have to seek out and click on individual previews to hear something. I wanted to make it even easier, so I built a tool called the TXBA Jukebox. You'll see a button to launch the TXBA Jukebox at the top of any free lesson or course page. When you click on that button, the jukebox will launch in a new tab.

The jukebox can load Free Lesson previews, Course previews, or Weekly Challenge previews. Depending on which page you launch the jukebox from, it will automatically load previews for the appropriate type of content.

The buttons across the bottom work as you'd expect. You can navigate through the previews using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons and toggle "Continuous Play" mode or "Shuffle Mode." Shuffle mode will play the previews in random order and is programmed not to repeat anything in the current listening session.

When any preview is playing, the current track area will show information about that track and a link to the course, challenge, or free lesson that the track comes from. This link will open another tab so you won't lose your place in the jukebox.

Take the jukebox for a spin by clicking the button below.

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