Over the past two months since the release of Little Wing Deep Dive, there's been something bothering me. Something was missing, I just couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was.
Last week I announced the Little Wing Community Jam, and when I started thinking about people playing rhythm for this song, I realized what the missing piece of this course was.
There wasn't any place in the course where I demonstrated entire choruses of rhythm using all the chord forms and embellishment examples in a way that flowed together. So I decided to rectify that problem ASAP.
Section 4.4: Rhythm Demonstrations
Sample From Section 4.4
Today I am releasing Section 4.4 of the course, which consists of 10 solid minutes (16 choruses) of me playing rhythm over the 58bpm SRV-style Little Wing track. The first few choruses are simple strumming, and they get progressively more difficult and intricate from there.
Chord Diagrams
As you watch the demonstrations, you'll see the base chord form I'm using displayed on screen as I move from bar to bar of the progression. All the possible forms for that chord will be shown, but the form that I'm using will be highlighted. This will (hopefully) reinforce what is taught in Section 3, that there are many options for each chord and you can create many different sounds by mixing up which forms of each chord you mix together.
Sometimes it will be obvious that I'm using the chord form shown on-screen, but other times you won't see the connection immediately. If this happens, if you see me playing something that looks like a different chord form than what's shown on-screen, it's most likely because you missed something in Section 4.1 where I explained which notes around each chord form could be used to embellish that form.
For example, in the image below I am playing an embellishment based off of an E-Form chord at the 3rd fret, but the way I'm holding my fingers doesn't look anything like an E-Form chord. You'd only recognize this if you paid attention in Section 4.1 where I explained how to use certain notes outside the chord form to play embellishments.
Tablature is provided for the entire demonstration. Customers who bought the course will get GuitarPro and PDF tablature files, while members of the TXBA Locals will have SoundSlice tablature to study.
Each chord transition is labeled in the tablature using the Chorus and Bar numbers.
Existing Members & Customers
If you purchased the course, you will find Section 4.4 in the list of downloads for the course. I have not added Section 4.4 to the previous Section 4 zip file, so you don't need to re-download the Section 4 zip.
Click the button below to go to your "My Courses" page to access the downloads.
TXBA Locals members can find the Section 4.4 video and tablature included in Section 4 of the course outline in the Pro Player.
Join The Locals
Joining the TXBA Locals to study this course is the least expensive way to ensure you'll be included. You will have all the tools you need to dig into this course and learn as fast as possible.
Buy The Course
For a limited time, you can save 20% when you purchase this course.
If you're ready to put in a LOT of work in the next 30 days, you can buy the course and start studying immediately. It's a large course, so you've got your work cut out for you.
I hope that this addition to the course helps to solidify everything taught in Sections 3 and 4 of the course, and gives you inspiration as you work on putting that knowledge into practice..