The Setlist

The Setlist Headlines

TXBA 2015 Winter NAMM Report

Last week I went to the 2015 Winter NAMM show, a nice ending for my vacation. I'm not a reporter, so this is not a comprehensive report of the whole show. But I did see a few cool things that…

I need a nap

Before we fire up the cameras for 2015, I'm going to do something that's not easy, but very necessary. I'm going to sign off for a few weeks to recharge.

TXBA 2014 Year In Review

In December 2013, Texas Blues Alley existed only as a vision in my mind, and some design mockups. Today it's more successful than StevieSnacks ever was. This is all your fault. So what the heck did we do this first…

The surprising truth behind how I make money at TXBA

Take a walk down Texas Blues Alley and look around. What do you see? Videos - lots and lots of videos. Most of them are free. Now consider this. Since 2009, this has been my job. I don't go into…

Free Lesson Friday Roundup: 17 Hendrix Free Lessons

If you're like most TXBA fans, you primarily surf what's "new", looking for the latest free lesson, etc... Nothing wrong with that, I do it too. But you miss a LOT of stuff if you don't go exploring. Because I…

My Unfortunate Experience With NosePedal

Update 1/14/16

Nosepedal is for sale and is not taking any orders.

E-Flat Tuning, A History Lesson

If you're a newcomer to TXBA, there's some history here that will help explain why many of my older lessons use E-Flat tuning. Before I built Texas Blues Alley, I ran a site called StevieSnacks. I began StevieSnacks as a…

The Difference Between Mini-Courses and Full Courses

Among the many new things at TXBA this year, most of you have noticed a new form of content called Mini-Courses. These smaller courses will play a large role at TXBA in the future so I wanted to take a…

Chasing Tone, The New Podcast From Wampler Pedals

You can't throw a stick without hitting a new boutique pedal company these days. Texas Blues Alley is very much a boutique site, but with surprising reach considering the focus. I've interacted with a few boutique pedal companies who mostly…

I’m Changing The Rules, Because I Can

I returned from Florida on April 16th, exhausted from an intense 2-day shoot for TrueFire. My calendar told me that Texas Blues Alley was supposed to launch in two days, but my body was telling me ìuh,.... no.î I've released…

Welcome To Texas Blues Alley

After a year of planning, and five months of intense coding, I am very proud to welcome you to Texas Blues Alley.

StevieSnacks Is Moving To Texas Blues Alley

By now you’ve probably seen the video announcing the StevieSnacks transition to Texas Blues Alley that’s going to happen in about two weeks, closer to the middle of April. I wanted to write a few notes about the transition to…

The 20 Most-Watched Free Lessons On StevieSnacks In 2013

Of course I love every lesson on this site, but even I recognize that certain lessons are wildly more popular than others. Out of my entire catalog of over 150 free lessons, here are the 20 lessons that the most…

My Big NAMM 2014 Trip Recap

This was my third trip to the big show, and it did not disappoint. I saw plenty of cool stuff and met with people I never see outside of these shows. First the gear, then the people. This is just…

Where My Head Is At

As 2013 comes to a close, I wanted to share something with all of you that I think about often. It matters to me that you know exactly where my head is. The success of this site outgrew my comfort…

Presenting “Slight Return” - In The Style of SRV’s Voodoo Child (slight return)

I am extremely proud to announce the release of my final lessons for 2013, and the last set of lessons in the SRV Style Solo Matrix - Slight Return. As the name suggests, these lessons were create to teach you…

Presenting “Fly On” - In The Style Of SRV’s Little Wing

It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new set of lessons into the SRV Style Solo Matrix entitled Fly On. You all know that SRV's cover of Little Wing is an anthem that has been studied by guitar players…

StevieSnacks Turns 6 - An Interactive Timeline

I don't often look back at what has unfolded over the past 6 years. I think about it, but I don't study it. But today is the sixth anniversary of my first YouTube video, and I wanted to create something…

‘Shooting Cold’ Solo Previews

On 9/30 the Shooting Cold lessons will be published as part of the SRV Style Solo Matrix.

The following three videos show off the solos that are taught in each of the lessons, beginner, intermediate, and advanced.


Thoughts from the 2013 Nashville Amp & Gear Expo

Nashville is a guitar town and the perfect place for a gathering of amp, guitar and pedal builders. That's exactly what happened this past weekend at the 2013 Nashville Amp & Gear Expo. All but five of the eleven hotel…