The Setlist

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn

Jun 17th, 2016

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In this low-key, unplanned inaugural episode of The Setlist Podcast, I mostly ramble on about the TXBA Barn, and share some thoughts about the community of people surrounding and supporting this business.


Here are some pictures of the barn, before any work was done.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The front.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The basement level.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The middle level.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
More attic.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The attic.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
And more attic.

The Basement

Last summer/fall I did a bunch of work myself on the basement. It was the easiest part to weatherproof (and secure). Also, I knew that the renovations to the top two levels would be much more extensive, and I needed to be able to work while those projects were being done. I managed to get the basement to the point where it felt less like a basement, and comfortable to work in.

Here are some pictures of the "finished" basement level.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
A panorama of the entire space.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The amp corner.

The Stage Level

Work on the middle level started in March, right around the time my son Hunter was born. This level is where the stage area will be built. When finished, this space will support recording or streaming of shows from small to medium sized bands.

This level isn't completely done, there's an awful lot of electrical work to be done, and plenty of video equipment to buy. But it's come a long way in a short amount of time.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
Angle 1.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
From the stage.


This level wasn't even in my initial plan. I knew that it was big enough to use for an editing suite / hangout area, but I was so focused on the stage area that I sort of pushed this to the back of my mind. Thankfully my carpenter had some great ideas that got me interested in finishing this level, and I'm glad he did. The result is amazing, and as I talked about in this episode, working up here is simply sublime.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
Current setup.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The other angle.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
Almost done.

The Deck

Currently under the hammer and saw is the front deck. The old deck looked cool, but it was made of rough-cut lumber (non-treated), so it had begun to rot in multiple places. Not to mention that when it got wet, it became as slick as ice.

Since it needed to be rebuilt anyway, I had them extend it further out, install proper drainage pipes, and build it out of the correct lumber this time.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
A LOT of digging was necessary.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The skeleton.

As I expressed in this episode, I am profoundly grateful for everyone who supports what I do at TXBA, and I am bound and determined to use this space to create things that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
A LOT of digging was necessary.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
The skeleton.
The Setlist Podcast #001: This Old Barn
Almost done.

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